Monday, July 6, 2009

click chains, robot interlocutors

Adrian - I showed this to Lizzie but thought it might interest you too:
He used the hit tracker on his site to trace back hits to the google search queries that ultimately led to his site and made little installations about them. Mapping chains of clicks... Reminds me of that game people play where they get two seemingly completely unrelated topics on Wikipedia and race from one to the other by only clicking page links on successive Wikipedia pages.

Lizzie - I want to think more about conversations with SmarterChild and other instant message robots. He himself is "dead" now but look at the "definitions" of him on urban dictionary:
The overwhelming favorite is:

smarterchild 4439 up, 321 down love it hate it

A pretentious robot who believes it's better than you, that spends its time on IM messaging services provided by AOL.
The worst part about SmarterChild is that you can't cause any real harm to it when it invariably irks you off.

1 comment:

  1. 4 minute video of someone talking to him:

    and ways to get smarterchild to curse:
